I started making these little pots a few years ago and can't tell you how many I have made. I was really interested in a soil blocker to make individual pots. I invested in a small one and don't really care for it. I then decided that these little pots would work very well.
1. Take a section of newspaper. The colored ads don't work as well as the regular black and white sections. They don't absorb the water was well because they have a finish on them.
2. I use my scrapbooking cutter and cut several layers at a time.
3. I cut them about 5"x9".
4. Take a small round container, I use a empty toilet paper roll. You could use a spice jar too. Roll the paper around it, leaving about an inch overhang at one end where you will fold it in for the bottom. Don’t roll too tight or it will be too hard to get the tube out later:
5. Fold the bottom in, as if you were wrapping a present:
6. Tape (masking tape would have been more biodegradeable):
7. Take out the roll. Turning it right side up.
8. Repeat:
9. Fill the pots with soil and add your seeds. I planted a whole tray of green beans, and one of corn, and one of peas. I have found if I start them ahead of time it gives me a great jumpstart on my garden. Living in North Idaho I need all the help I can get.
Pictures are from the following website:
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